LWML - Mothers/Daughters/Sisters Christmas Celebration
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December 7, 2014

Praise the Lord for a wondering gathering with over 60 Love-in Action and Yun Deen ladies across the generation to join us in celebration of the birth of Lord, Jesus Christ.

It was not only a mother-daughter gathering, as we had the privilege of having some grandmothers join us too. Thank you, Stephanie Yee and Eling Ng, for helping to prepare a delicious lunch which included pastas, soups and desserts. As we were enjoying good foods and mingling with each other, we also enjoyed the Christmas songs played by Jessica Lau and her friend Tiffany Wang on the violin and cello. Every cheerful face at the luncheon reminded us of the faithful service of the LWML ladies. From Mites to Love Blankets; from taking care of the Altar inside the church to materials supporting Mission trips outside the church. LWML ladies, you are awesome and we are so blessed to have a group of humble ladies like you.

We began our program at 1 pm. After a warm welcome by LIA President, Janis Yu, we had our group pictures taken by Tony Ma. Eva Lin and Cheryl Ng started the worship with a few Christmas carols while Janice Lau read passages from the Bible:

Matthew 1:22-23 followed by Song #96 “Emmanuel”

Micah 5:2, John 1:14, Song# 96 “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

Luke 2:8-11, Song#90 “Joy to the World”

Pastor Lau then shared a message on the theme of ‘Jesus is the True Gift’ centered on Isaiah 7:14. The most precious gift is God’s grace. Jesus sacrificed His own life for our sins. He gave us eternal life in heaven which is a gift that can’t be measured.

Next Janice and Janis revealed our individual Secret Angels. It was hilarious seeing the 13 Yun Deen ladies exchanging their gifts with each others. It didn’t matter that we mixed up the gifts. It is who stands beside us that matters! The exchange was filled with laughter and excitement, and warmed our hearts.

Eling taught us how to make angels out of pine cones and ribbons, the angels were so adorable that I made one for my niece and I also got one from a dear LIA sister.

As we begin a new year, let’s continue serving our Lord with gladness and may God’s blessings be with you and your family. We look forward to see you again at the March, 22 Spring Meeting. Please stay tuned for details.

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