Sunny Paths

The goal of Sunny Paths Special Needs Ministry is to connect children with special needs and their families to a community that offers unconditional support. These families often have limited access to needed resources and support networks that can alleviate stressful conditions within their households. Families also fear to venture out for help for their precious child due to public stigma of disabilities. As such, our other ministry goals are to advocate, renew, and educate our community members with the truth that everyone in the image of God is crafted wonderfully. To do so, during respites and summer camps, we foster opportunities and interactions that help sustain positive engagement between the buddies, the child with special needs, and the family. Within this level of communication, our prayer is that this relationship can harvest a long-term mission field for our buddies. Wherever they go, the buddies can demote discrimination, marginalization, and disenfranchisement of any people group, knowing that the love of Christ extends to everyone without reservation.

If you would like to serve in this ministry or want more information about the respites and summer day camp, please contact Cecilia Ng at

Sunny Paths Sunny Paths Sunny Paths Sunny Paths Sunny Paths Sunny Paths

© 2025 Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
2400 Noriega Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, USA
Phone: (415) 661-1120
Fax: (415) 661-1820