Gospel Fellowship (Cantonese)

Gospel Fellowship - seekers and new believers
Fellowship Time : Every first and third Saturday of each month
Place : 2400 Noriega Street, San Francisco
The purpose of Gospel Fellowship is to provide fellowship life for seekers and new believers. Message is shared by Pastor Lau and core leaders on a rotation basis.

New believers are involved in leading singspiration during the fellowship time and preparing for refreshments for our post-fellowship sharing time.

We pray that this fellowship will let seekers come to know and believe in our Lord JesusChrist; new believers’ faith will be strengthen, grow in the desire in studying God’s Word and provide a good training opportunity for supporters and leaders.

May our Lord continue to grant us wisdom and guidance in leading the seekers to Christ andedifying the faith of the new believers.

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© 2025 Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
2400 Noriega Street, San Francisco, CA 94122, USA
Phone: (415) 661-1120
Fax: (415) 661-1820