LWML - Love in Action

March 2nd, 2014

Our first 2014 LWML LIA/Yun Deen general meeting was held on Sunday, February 16, 2014 with 61 attendees. The 61 attendees included spouses who were very supportive and helped with clean up while their wives’ attended the general meeting. The theme was “The Kingdom of the Gospel.” The event began with lunch which was prepared with love by some members and held in the Parish Hall surrounded by a Chinese New Year ambiance.

Winnie Lam and Eva Ho led praise time in the Sanctuary to prepare our hearts for the devotion. Mrs. Lau’s devotion referenced Matthew 4:23–24 where Jesus preached the gospel in synagogues and healed those who were diseased or demon possessed. It encouraged us to follow His example in sharing the gospel and helping those around us. The event followed by a love gift presentation to Ashley Wong who plans to enter into long-term missions in Hong Kong. We also welcomed our Yun Deen ladies who joined our LIA society’s meeting for the first time. Eling Ng was unanimously transferred from being LWML LIA’s Vice President to the treasurer position. The LWML LIA society will have to elect a new President this June, therefore, we ask that you keep this in your prayers. The Secret Angel activity was the highlight of our event. The 42 ladies picked a small envelope containing a name in which she will be a secret angel for that person for the rest of 2014. A secret angel’s goal is to show love, send encouragement cards, and pray for the person without revealing our own identity. The secret angel’s identity will be revealed at our December 7th general meeting. Each of the ladies will present a gift to thank their secret angel. Some of the ladies do not know one another, therefore, there was a time where each person introduced themselves and shared their prayer request.

The event ended with a group picture filled with wonderful smiles. I hope you all can come to our next meeting in June! May God’s blessings be with all of you!

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