October 31, 2015
After many months of planning we finally had our first field trip for our Tai Chi Outreach Ministry students. That morning, all 50 of us (32 students and 18 church members) gathered at 7:20 am at church to get ready for our outing. Even though it was very early in the morning everyone was so excited we were like young children getting ready to go to our field trip. Some even expressed that they were so excited that they couldn’t fall asleep the night before.
We thanked God for the wonderful weather. On the bus, we ate the delicious bread and sponge cake that Eling Ng made for us. Tom led us to some singing then followed by brief sharing from Pastor Lau and Carmen.
On that day, we visited three locations. First stop was to Nimbus Hatchery where we had an opportunity to learn about salmon and steel head fish life cycle. We had a brief tour of the hatchery, fed fish and took many pictures. Then we went to a wonderful buffet lunch at a Chinese restaurant in the area. After lunch, we went to State capital. There we took more pictures. Due to time constraints, we could only have a quick peak of the front view of our State capital. Our last stop was the State Rail Road Museum. In the museum, we watched a short film about the history of making the railroad from East Coast to the West Coast. We got to climb on many trains that were on display, and of course took more and more pictures. Then we walked around the Old Sacramento town before heading back to San Francisco. Back on the bus, we had more singing and games. For the game prizes, we gave Thrivent T-shirts to each of our students. The day seemed to go by so fast. We all had fun. We thanked God for the smooth ride. Since that day was Halloween, we were concerned about the traffic that may delay our ride back to SF. But God protected us and we got back as scheduled. The purpose of our trip was to reach out and get to know each of these students that participate in our Tai Chi Outreach Ministry. During the trip we had many opportunities to talk and share the gospel with them. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless those who come to the class.
After many months of planning we finally had our first field trip for our Tai Chi Outreach Ministry students. That morning, all 50 of us (32 students and 18 church members) gathered at 7:20 am at church to get ready for our outing. Even though it was very early in the morning everyone was so excited we were like young children getting ready to go to our field trip. Some even expressed that they were so excited that they couldn’t fall asleep the night before.
We thanked God for the wonderful weather. On the bus, we ate the delicious bread and sponge cake that Eling Ng made for us. Tom led us to some singing then followed by brief sharing from Pastor Lau and Carmen.
On that day, we visited three locations. First stop was to Nimbus Hatchery where we had an opportunity to learn about salmon and steel head fish life cycle. We had a brief tour of the hatchery, fed fish and took many pictures. Then we went to a wonderful buffet lunch at a Chinese restaurant in the area. After lunch, we went to State capital. There we took more pictures. Due to time constraints, we could only have a quick peak of the front view of our State capital. Our last stop was the State Rail Road Museum. In the museum, we watched a short film about the history of making the railroad from East Coast to the West Coast. We got to climb on many trains that were on display, and of course took more and more pictures. Then we walked around the Old Sacramento town before heading back to San Francisco. Back on the bus, we had more singing and games. For the game prizes, we gave Thrivent T-shirts to each of our students. The day seemed to go by so fast. We all had fun. We thanked God for the smooth ride. Since that day was Halloween, we were concerned about the traffic that may delay our ride back to SF. But God protected us and we got back as scheduled. The purpose of our trip was to reach out and get to know each of these students that participate in our Tai Chi Outreach Ministry. During the trip we had many opportunities to talk and share the gospel with them. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless those who come to the class.