Date | Theme | Language | |
2020-09-20 |
Let's Go with Plan B: Walking through the Darkness - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Job 33:8-30 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-09-13 |
Let's Go with Plan B: What have You done for me lately? - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 40:1-23 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-09-06 |
Let's Go with Plan B: Why me? - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 39:1-23 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-08-30 |
Let's Go with Plan B: Moving our Minds - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:24-34 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-08-23 |
Let's Go with Plan B: What is Your Jordan River? - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Joshua 3:1-17 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-08-16 |
Let's Go with Plan B: What is Your Jordan River? - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Joshua 3:1-17 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-08-09 |
Let's Go with Plan B: Don't Run - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 21:1-10; 23:1-5 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-08-02 |
Let's Go with Plan B - Facing Reality - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-10 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-07-26 |
Prophetic Lament: A Lament for Themselves - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Lamentations 5:1-22 (ESV) |
English |
YouTube |
2020-02-16 |
Loving God In the Midst of Suffering & Evil - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Job 1:1; Job 1:9-15; Job 42:1-6 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-02-09 |
The Church is a Sign of God's Kingdom - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:13-20 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-02-02 |
Living in the Light of Jesus: Followers - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: John 1:35-51 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-01-26 |
Do You Love Me? - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Deuteronomy 13:1-3; Psalm 91:14; Psalm 119:105; 1 Corinthians 16:22; 2 Timothy 3:4; 1 John 4:19-5:3; Revelation 22:20; John 21:15-17 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-01-19 |
Living in the Light of Jesus: Integrity - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:1-11 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-01-12 |
Living in the Light of Jesus: Identity - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 3:1-17 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-01-05 |
Living in the Light of Jesus: Family - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Luke 2:39-52 (ESV) |
English | |
2020-01-01 |
Praying COME, LORD JESUS to Him Who Has Come to Create Faith - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:8–9, 23; Luke 2:8–19 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-29 |
Praying COME, LORD JESUS To Him Who Brings the Enlightening Word - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:23; John 1:1–18 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-25 |
COME, LORD JESUS, to Him Who Comes to Lead Us in Daily Life - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:5–6, 20–21; Luke 10:38–42; John 1:14 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-22 |
The Story That Chooses Us - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-15 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-15 |
Praying, COME, LORD JESUS, To Him Who Will Come Again to Bring Final Victory - Pastor Shiu Ming Lau Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:10–13; Matthew 13:7, 22 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-08 |
Advent: A Season to Reflect on the Gift of Peace - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Isaiah 2:1-5 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-12-01 |
Praying, COME, LORD JESUS, to Him Who Has Come to Defeat the Devil - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10–20; Revelation 22:20; Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-11-28 |
Our Prayer of Thanksgiving - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-32 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-11-24 |
The End Times - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-11-17 |
The End Times - Pastor Shiu Ming Lau Scripture Reading: Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:1-14 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-11-10 |
Why Do I Feel So Rotten? - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:13-14, Luke 5:1-11, John 8:1-11 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-11-03 |
For All the Saints - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-11 (NLT) |
English | |
2019-10-27 |
The Theology of the Cross - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4:1-19 (NLT) |
English | |
2019-10-20 |
Why Do I Feel So Rotten? - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:13-14, Luke 5:1-11, John 8:1-11 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-10-13 |
Your body is God’s temple: Whether Single or Married - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:7-21; 4:1-7 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-10-06 |
Your body is God’s temple: Love Exchanged - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 12:12-27 (NLT) |
English | |
2019-09-29 |
Your body is God’s temple: Love Tested - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2; 9-17; Hebrews 13:1-16 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-09-22 |
Your body is God’s temple: Love Unchecked - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; John 8:1-11 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-09-15 |
Attention! It Must Be Put to Death! - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 17:8-9 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-09-08 |
Your body is God’s temple: Death - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Romans 8:19-25; 1 Corinthians 15:46-57 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-09-01 |
Your body is God’s temple: Birth - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:4-8; Psalm 139:1-16; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-08-25 |
Who is my neighbor? Part 4: Submission - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 10:28-39 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-08-18 |
Who is my neighbor? Part 3: Service - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 4:10-23; 8:1-12 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-08-11 |
Who is my neighbor? Part 2: Solidarity - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:1-8 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-08-04 |
Who is my neighbor? - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:1-8 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-07-28 |
Unity in Prayer - Vicar Barron Fong Scripture Reading: Luke 11:1-13 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-07-21 |
Foundation Revealed by Fire - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-23 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-07-14 |
Persevering through Discipline - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13:1-21 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-07-07 |
What Does Our Perfect God Have to Say to an Imperfect World? - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:1-18 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-06-30 |
The Power of Love - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3:7-21 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-06-23 |
The Law as Our Guardian - Vicar Barron Fong Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:23-4:7 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-06-16 |
Choosing the Right Discipline - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:9-22; Psalm 27:1-14 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-06-09 |
Saved by the Spirit - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Acts 2:14-41 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-06-02 |
The Joy of Discipline - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:1-29 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-05-26 |
Holy Spirit: Our Guide to Life - Vicar Barron Fong Scripture Reading: Acts 16:6-15; John 16:4-15 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-05-19 |
Exodus: The Story of Us PT5 - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Joshua 3:7-17; Joshua 4:1-7 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-05-12 |
Hannah’s Heart - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1:4-28; 2:1-2 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-05-05 |
When life changes, God is good! - Sharing by DCE Ashley Wong Scripture Reading: Exodus 16:1-32 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-04-28 |
The Story of Us Pt 3 - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Exodus 32:1-14; 34:1-10 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-04-21 |
Rejoice in the Lord - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: John 20:1-23; 30-31 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-04-14 |
When Life Is Scary, God Is Good! - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 105:24-45; Matthew 27:45-53; John 1:29 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-04-07 |
Exodus: The Story of Us - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Exodus 5:1-9, 20-23; Exodus 6:1-8 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-31 |
Witnesses of the Living God - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:10-12; Luke 24:35-48 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-24 |
Sent - Rev. Aaron Putnam Scripture Reading: John 20:19-23 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-17 |
Echoes of Abraham - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-3, 22:15-18; Hebrews 11:8-19 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-10 |
Kingdom, Participate – San Francisco - Mr. Steve Hong Scripture Reading: Luke 10:1-11 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-06 |
Ash Wednesday Message - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Mark 8:27-38 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-03-03 |
Mountain Top Experiences - Vicar Barron Fong Scripture Reading: Luke 9:28-37 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-02-24 |
Living for Christ the King - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:10-21; 6:1-10 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-02-17 |
Luke’s Way of Being the Church - DCE Allan Tong Scripture Reading: Luke 10:1-12 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-02-10 |
Avenging Shame and Restoring God’s Kingdom - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Isaiah 65:13-25 ; Romans 8:8-25 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-02-03 |
Honored through Shame - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-01-27 |
Setting the World Right - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: John 8:2-32 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-01-20 |
King of All Nations - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-17 ; Exodus 19:1-8 ; 2 Chronicles 36:11-21 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-01-13 |
Losing Face and Seeking Face - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:1-19; Romans 1:18-28; James 1:13-15 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-01-06 |
One Family Under Heaven - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: Psalm 19:1-14; 104:24-35 (ESV) |
English | |
2019-01-01 |
The Word-Shaped Life - Pastor Christopher Ng Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18 (ESV) |
English |
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